Tuesday, July 30, 2013

The Perfect Study Space

As the school year quickly approaches (bitter-sweet, we know), take this last month of summer to create a productive homework and study space for your child. 

START with finding the right spot.  An area of low-traffic yet easy accessibility and monitoring is key.  You don’t need a large space, and even a kitchen nook or corner space in a quiet room will work.  Most importantly, keep the study space away from the television or other distractions.

NEXT, choose the right furniture for the space.  Choose a work space that can accommodate task lighting, larger homework projects, and storage of supplies and books.  What is the right style for your student?

FINALLY, stock the homework area with supplies:  pencils, pens, erasers, calculators, art supplies, a dictionary, note cards, highlighters, paper, scissors, and markers. 

Creating a personal study space allows for a manageable homework routine, sets the tone and expectation for success, and will show your child that his or her learning is a high priority in your home.

HONEYSUCKLE will work with you to find the perfect desk or work space!  With knowledgeable designers, new inventory arriving daily, and our amazing prices, your homework space is sure to make the grade.