With the fall and winter holidays behind us, and spring right ahead of us, lets consider taking this down time to spruce up the guest room. What does every guest room need and how can you furnish the room on a budget?
1. A bed: naturally, you need a place for your guests to sleep. Consider a queen size bed if one will fit. We love this classic four-poster bed! It is so inviting and interesting!
2. Bedside tables. If they will fit, include bedside tables for guests' to use for their phones, jewelry, and other nigh time needs. We especially love beside tables with storage. This pair was only $89!
3. Lamps: putting a lamp next to the bedside is important. Guests may want to read in bed at night. Also, should your guests wake in the middle of the night, they will be unfamiliar with the room and it will be helpful for them to turn on a bedside lamp. Lamps create layers of light in the room, making it interesting, warm and inviting.
4. A clock: try to include at least one bedside clock.
5. Storage: long-term guests may want to unpack their suitcases. Clothing storage is simple: include empty hangers and space in the closet and a few drawers. We like this secretary desk because it provides both ample storage and work space all in a compact piece that doesn't take up too much room. You may also consider an armor, where guests can stow both hanging and folded clothes, jewelry, and other personal belongings.
6. Seating. If space allows, include at least one place to sit for your guests.
Consider a chair with a throw like this linen piece.
This armchair is oh-so comfortable and is perfect for an evening book.
A bench at the end of the bed is another space-saving way to go.

You may like a stand-out piece like this upholstered chair with modern lines.
This armchair is charming and whispers Chesapeake to out of town guests.
7. A mirror. Guests will appreciate a mirror in their room when they are getting ready for the day.

Remember that the room doesn't have to be "matchy-matchy." A room should tell a story, and one that your guests will enjoy reading. Come on in to the shop; we'd love to help you write one!